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Law office in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and Italy



Currently DubaiLegal.it has offices in Milan and Dubai.
Thanks to partnerships with local lawyers, we are now in a position to assist clients even in Abu Dhabi and Teheran.

For any information, please send an email to this address: info@dubailegal.it

Legal and Fiscal Area

Milan Office
Avv. Stefano Meani

ATAX - Studio Legale Benvenuto e Associati
Via Appiani, 12 - 20121 MILAN (ITALY)
Tel. +
Fax +
Skype: stefano.meani
E-mail: meani@dubailegal.it

Dubai Office
Avv. Paola Petti

Tel. +971.438.73.415
Mob. +971.50.919.47.46
E-mail: info@dubailegal.it


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